Saturday, February 2, 2019


November 4, 2018

Our beautiful little KENZIE was BLESSED today by her Daddy, Lytton Bastian. He gave Kenzie a beautiful blessing. She is one lucky little girl to have wonderful men in her life that can BLESS her and love her and to look up to.

Ashley didn't have enough table and chairs to fit everyone comfortably at her house so she rented the Senior Center to have everyone over for lunch after the BLESSING. It worked out perfectly! Sure, it was older looking with all its old fashioned paneling and outdated decor, but the tables were all set up, with Fall Centerpieces on them, and there was TONS of room for the kids to run and play and they had a HUGE kitchen with everything we could possibly need. I told her she should have all of our family get together's here. It was awesome! She would have loved to decorate really cute for it but I talked her in to just keeping the tables decorated as they were to save lots of time and stress. It worked out great! (Except we couldn't find out how to turn up the heat. Notice everyone kept their coats on! It was weird because when we went there earlier to set up, it was really warm but it got colder while we were at the church!). 

 Our beautiful little Kenzie Christie Bastian! Oh how I love this sweet little baby girl!
  Proud Daddy and Mommy with their girl!
 I loved that sweet smile of hers. Don't look at how creepy and huge my hand looks in this picture ha! ha!

 Ashley is such a sweet Momma and she adores this baby so much!

 These three boys were a little rambunctious sitting next to each other. Joyce had her hands full!
 Ashley was so thankful for the family that came up to support her on this special day!

 My 4 favorite boys ever! I'm including Briggs in the background! Here is Waylon, Remington and Boston!
 It's rare to get a picture of me with just my kids. I love them both so much. I can't believe how old they are getting! To think they have 4 kids of their own just blows my mind!
 Mikell, Zach and Briggs!
 My family! Couldn't love them more!
 I just had to show this huge area the kids could run and play in. It was perfect for them. We should have a dance party in this room sometime!

And this sweetie just melts my heart. She wanted me to take a picture of her swirly dress!
I love her BLESSING DRESS with the pretty little rosettes. Happy Blessing Day little Kenzie! I love you so much!

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