Thursday, February 21, 2019


January 2019

I have decided to have a FAMILY HOME EVENING and DINNER once a month with my kids and Grandkids.  I am so looking forward to spending time with all of my Grandkids and have them play together...they always have so much FUN being together!

This first FHE me and Boston sang a DUET with each other. We sang  a song we both love. My friend, MarySue's sister-in-law, wrote it. It's called The MIRACLE and our Primary kids sang it in the Sacrament Program. I printed out photos that went with the words and then added lots of photos of my Grandkids to go with the chorus, and they loved seeing themselves.  It turned out great and I am so proud of Boston for daring to SING with me!  Waylon was a little jealous so he said he was going to learn a song so he can sing it with me the next time we do FHE...I can't wait!

I gave a quick lesson, we sang our song and the ate dinner but then the kids played and I was so happy! I love being with my whole family and I am so excited that I get to do this once a month!

 Look at my little baby girls! Oh they are just the sweetest! Skylee and Kenzie!

I love how Briggs squints his eyes when he fake smiles. Love this little guy so much!

 Paisley sure loves her Grandma Shirley!
I love my little red headed baby...she is just a JOY!

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