Sunday, February 24, 2019


February 10, 2019

I can't believe it's already time for another monthly FAMILY HOME EVENING! I love when my littles get together to have FHE.  Waylon wanted so badly to SING A SONG with me this time like I did with Boston last time. He couldn't wait to practice in my bedroom with the door shut so Boston couldn't come in. Ha! Ha!  And can I just say...he did an amazing job SINGING real loud so everyone could hear...A CHILD'S PRAYER.  He was amazing! I am SO PROUD of these kids being willing to SING in front of everyone and being PROUD of themselves for a job well done. It makes this Grandma's HEART swell!  I love these kiddo's!

This time I gave a lesson on a Jesus' first MIRACLE, changing WATER into WINE. I explained a little bit about how embarrassing it would have been for the wedding party to run out of WINE and how Jesus loved his Mother and wanted to help her. Then I had them watch a 2 minute video on it. Before I started the video I had them watch me pour clean pure WATER into a glass pitcher. While they watched the video I had Ashley slip some Grape Kool-Aid drops into the water. They didn't see her so when they finished watching the video and saw that the WATER had turned to WINE (Grape Kool-Aid) they were shocked!  Remington threw his arms in the air and shouted, "JESUS IS REAL! This is a MIRACLE!"  Oh boy, did I laugh!  I had to explain finally that Ashley did it! It turned our really well!

Afterwards we drank GRAPE KOOL-AID and make HEART SHAPED COOKIES in case I won't get the chance to do our VALENTINE COOKIES with all of them.  Then the kids played super hard and had a super fun time with their COUSINS!

 Believe it or not, Briggs did get some of his COOKIE in his mouth!
 And Sadie Bug did too!

 Boston's like...I guess mine is a HEARTBREAKER!  LOL! These were soft cookies that kept breaking!
 I was surprised that half the bottle of sprinkles weren't on Waylon's cookie!

I love how these two keep giving HUGS to each other. Seriously, it's the cutest!

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