Saturday, September 16, 2017


July 26, 2017

How can Boston be 6 years old? I cannot believe how big he is getting, so fast. He had a really fun FRIENDS BIRTHDAY PARTY at Classic SKATING. We really lucked out because there were supposed to be 2 other parties at the same time, but they cancelled so we had the whole place to ourselves for 2 hours!

The kids had a blast! They got to play on the bounce houses, the skating rink, and arcade for as long as they wanted. They could take their skooters on the skating rink instead of just roller blades. I was happy about that cuz at this age they struggle with roller skating.

They had pizza, lemonade, and cake and then they opened presents. Boston was so happy! He had the best PARTY ever and these kids had so much FUN!

**I screwed up the balloons. Mikell bought these huge POKEMON BALLOONS and the big like 4 ft. one, went right through my fingers and up to the top of ceiling of that huge building. I felt so bad!!
 Boston and his sweet friends had a the greatest time playing at this party. What a super fun day!

 The Birthday Boy got to spin this wheel to win a free prize. Love all these kids in this pic!
 The Birthday Boy was nervous at first and then had a ball grabbing as many tickets as he could in this air blowing machine. He got to take his tickets and turn it into a prize.

 Mikell made this cute Pokemon Ball Cake. She hid all these cute Pokemon figures inside the cake so each kid could get one.

Waylon got nervous to jump but loved it once he did.

 He got lots of cool presents from his friends.

 They had so much fun jumping off this high bounce toy. They ran and did it over and over again!

 Boston's parents: Mikell and Zach

 It was hard getting pics of everyone skating and skooting with the lighting in here! They asked Boston what his favorite song is and they would play it. He chose Believer by Imagine Dragons. He has good taste in music!

 Happy Birthday Sweet Boston! I love you so much!

Six things about Boston:
1. He is very athletic
2. He is the best big brother...he loves his little brothers so much!
3. He is really smart and is a deep thinker
4. He is really into Pokemon right now
5. He loves playing games
6. He gives the best Hulk Hugs ever!

Of course I could go on and on about how much I love this boy!

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