Thursday, October 15, 2015


September 25, 2015

The RINGLING BROTHERS AND BARNUM AND BAILEY CIRCUS came to town and I wanted to take Boston so bad! So I did! We had a BLAST! Seriously, Boston was so excited! We went down to SLC a little early and got to go down on the floor and hang out with the CLOWNS. Boston was enjoying it so much and it made me so happy to see his eyes light up, and his smile made it all worth it. I told him when we went in that we were only going to buy 1 thing because stuff is crazy expensive at these events. Right when we walked in he knew exactly what he wanted. He wanted this cool motorcycle (we were totally bummed that they didn't have the motorcycle dude in the circus this year but they still sold the toys). So we got that. Well, I love COTTON CANDY and I couldn't watch the CIRCUS without COTTON CANDY! So we bought that, and halfway through the CIRCUS, Boston got thirsty and had to have an ELEPHANT SNOW CONE! With tickets and parking to boot, it cost me $100 for me and Boston to go to the CIRCUS! Holy Cow!

Boston's favorite things about the CIRCUS was the ELEPHANTS. They were awesome! He also loved the CAMELS! They were awesome! And he loved the TIGERS, especially the white ones! And we can't forget the girl they shot out of the CANNON!  He kept watching it all intently and just tried to soak it all in. I would glance over at him and he'd give me a big SMILE and then pull a face like Oh my heck! This is cool! We had the best time together. I wouldn't trade these moments for anything. I love our "ONE ON ONE" SPECIAL DATES! I LOVE BOSTON! I look forward to "special dates" with my other grandkids as they get older. I LOVE being a GRANDMA!
                          I love my "special dates" with Boston! He has my heart for sure!
 Our cotton candy came with a camel head. Here heis with his motorcycle too.
 Boston said let's take a pic of us with a bunch of cotton candy in our mouth Grandma!

 We went down on the floor and got up close to the clowns. They were dancing in this pic.
                                                        Happy Boy at the Circus right here!
 He thought this was pretty awesome. These girls did all sorts of tricks on these camels.
                                      Boston thought the tight rope walkers were pretty cool too.
                                                     The elephants were by far his favorite.

                                              Boston LOVED his elephant cup snow cone!

Once in a while he will bring out his elephant cup and say "Remember this Grandma? We had fun huh?"

These bicyclists were pretty cool too. There were times we thought they were going to crash. Boston would look at me and open his mouth and say WHOA!  He had a GREAT time at the CIRCUS!

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