Friday, April 21, 2017


April 2017

I want my Grandkids to know the real reason we CELEBRATE EASTER. I want them to understand the RESURRECTION. So I thought what better way to explain it, than with RESURRECTION ROLLS!  I explained the story of how they killed Jesus and his friends took him and wrapped him in white linen (the croissant dough), they covered it in spices (melted butter and cinnamon sugar) and laid his body (the marshmallow) on it and put more spices on it (cinn. sugar). Then they wrapped him up (wrap the dough over the marshmallow) and put more melted butter and cinnamon sugar on it. Bake at 375 degrees for 9 minutes. What happened to Jesus' body? The tomb was empty! (The marshmallow melted and disappeared). I then told him how Jesus appeared to Mary and his apostles and how he had been RESURRECTED and that those who saw him could feel the NAIL PRINTS in his HANDS AND FEET. We had a really good discussion about it and I felt so good about our great talk about Jesus. I love EASTER and for the miracle of the RESURRECTION!

Then I went and did the same thing in Idaho to Ashley's little ones.

We cut these open to see the empty tomb. (Some of the marshmallow squeezed out so we quickly ate it! LOL)

They tasted nummy!

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