Friday, April 21, 2017


April 2017

This is by far my favorite EASTER TRADITION I do with the Grandkids. They love it and get the biggest kick out of it. In fact, when I was going through our family yearbooks with Boston he came to the page with us doing the MAGIC JELLY BEANS and he said this is my most favorite thing to do at Easter time and it is for me too!

I purchase "MAGIC" JELLY BEANS and then I take the kiddo's outside and they plant 2 or 3 of them and then in the morning they can run outside to see what they GREW into!!  One year it was a bunch of Easter Bunny Suckers, another year it was a huge Sucker and this year it was a big bag in the shape of a carrot, full of COTTON CANDY! The kids were SUPER EXCITED!!

I first did it in Downey with Remington and Paisley:

 Remington planting his beans

 Paisley planting her beans!
 I explained to them that something awesome was going to grow now that they planted their magic beans. (We caught Remi digging up his beans a little while later and he ate them! We had to plant more and boy did they grow fast so that they would get their treat while there were still beans in the ground! Ha! Ha!)

 In just a short time this is what grew!!
 They ran fast to see what the Magic Jelly Beans grew...Wow! Giant carrots full of Cotton Candy!

 They were so surprised and so happy and they loved eating their COTTON CANDY!

Back at my house that evening I went outside to plant MAGIC JELLY BEANS with Boston and Waylon. Boston was so excited he could hardly stand it! He could not wait to wake up in the morning to check and see what would grow! (I didn't let him know that Remi and Paisley already grew theirs!)

 Covering them all up!

Here's how excited Boston was when he realized something special would be in the beans' place in the morning:

 They were thrilled to find this special treat!

 Yummy! We can't wait to do this again next year!

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