Monday, June 5, 2017


May 2017

Paisley had to go into the Doctor's office in a little clinic in Downey, Idaho. She had an EAR INFECTION and was put on ANTIBIOTICS for the first time. She did great for the first couple of days and then one night right before bedtime, they gave her a dose of AMOXICILIN and instantly she broke out in HIVES and her EYES SWELLED SHUT, her EARS GOT BIG AND RED, her FEET SWELLED, and her LIPS SWELLED.  Ash and Lytt were so scared that her throat was going to swell and close off so she couldn't breathe!

They instantly called the Dr. and luckily Ashley had some BENADRYL on hand and gave her some. They live in the middle of nowhere but Lytt made dang good time driving them all to the HOSPITAL in Franklin. Ash was on the phone with the hospital on the way so they knew she was coming!

She called me to keep PRAYING for PAISLEY and I called my Mom to PRAY too cuz my Mom has a pretty good connection to God! We were pleading that they would make it there in time and that Paisley would be OK and that Lytton wouldn't hit a deer on the way! Lytt had called his friend who is a cop and told him he wouldn't be pulling over for the police if they tried pulling him over for speeding. The cop friend said no one was out patrolling the area so he was good to go! Just watch out for deer!

They made it in time and the BENADRYL had kicked in and after they got there and saw the Doctors and got settled, Ash sent me these pics. The SWELLING had gone WAY DOWN! And she got a different medicine. She had to keep taking Benadryl for a few days afterwards to make sure she'd be OK. This is one downfall for living away from everything. Thank goodness Ash has a great FIRST AID CABINET!!

I am so THANKFUL for our little PAISLEY and so THANKFUL she is OK!
 Look at the HIVES on her belly, the ears, eyes, nose and mouth. Poor baby girl!
This just breaks my heart to see her face like this and this was after the massive swelling went down. Zoom in on her little swollen sad! I just love Lytt's pj's he had to wear to the hospital. There was no time to change!!

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