Sunday, June 28, 2020


June 2020

OK, so I apologize if this post offends you but I thought this was HILARIOUS!

So my sweet little Sadie Bug who is 3 years old, is a lover of CHICKENS (any animal if you want to keep it real). So because she loves her CHICKENS so much, she was absolutely devastated when one of the CHICKENS was being PECKED TO DEATH by the other CHICKENS. It got its butt stuck through the fence trying to get away from the mean CHICKENS. Well, it got PECKED over and over and Sadie couldn't get in the CHICKEN COOP with them (she doesn't know how to open the latch)and was trying to shoo the bad chickens away from the poor stuck little chicken. She was so upset and she was crying because it was bad you guys. There was BLOOD and it was devastating to her!

Ashley went outside to see what was going on and she felt so bad for that bleeding CHICKEN. She quickly got it and cleaned it up the best she could. 

Then she heard Sadie scream at the mean CHICKEN...You hurt my CHILD...You made him BLEED...YOU SON OF A BITCH!

What??? Ashley couldn't believe her ears! Sadie, We don't talk like that! Then she asked Lytton where she would hear anyone talk like that.  Lytton said, well, she's been spending time on the farm with the cows and Grandpa Bastian! Apparently Grandpa Bastian calls those stubborn cows  SON OF A BITCHES!

To make it even funnier, Grandpa Bastian was a BISHOP, and is now in the BISHOPRIC of the Single Adult Ward!

I hope this didn't offend anyone, but I thought it was hilarious!

I love how much she loves her CHICKENS!

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