Saturday, April 18, 2015


April 11, 2015

I AM WEAK! Everyone who knows me, knows that I am NOT a major PET lover! Sure, they grow on me and I end up loving them but I don't especially like it and I hate having to go through the grieving process when they die. I mean it kills me! They are a pain because you have to get a babysitter if you go anywhere and I am an impulsive person that doesn't like to be tied down, especially to an ANIMAL! After Brewski and Ledoux died I swore I would NEVER have another PET. (I have had my fair share, thanks to Ashley!!)  Well, after I said NO! NO! NO! I caved! How could I say NO to this?

What was I to do? When Boston pleads with me to let him keep her, I had no choice but to say YES!
 Look at those two cute faces! Geez, my heart melts and I am weak!
Have you ever seen a dog with GREEN eyes? She is a cutie!
 After Boston's T-Ball game they went and picked her up. She is the cutest little thing!
                                         Here's a happy little boy, and his son! Ha! Ha!
 Waylon is so cute with the puppy!  He just laughs and she knows Way is a baby because she tries pouncing on him and knocking him over. But Waylon loves her anyway!
Usually Waylon will lay on Nezzy's bed and say "Aaah!" It's so cute! He also likes to play in Nezzy's food and water. We have caught him a few times dipping his binky in the water and then putting it in his mouth! GROSS!

So about my new roommate:  Her name is Nezzy. They got her name from the Nez Perce Indians, and I guess there is a place in Yellowstone (which is Zach and Mikell's favorite place!) called Nez Perce Ford.

She is a Standard Poodle and when she grows up they are planning to breed her with Winston, Ashley's Golden Doodle.  Zach is so excited to train her to be a bird dog for hunting. Did you know that Standard Poodles are great bird dogs? I didn't! No wonder Si on Duck Dynasty has a poodle! The best part is that they don't shed! Hooray!

Nezzy is a good little PUPPY. She is pretty mellow and she is doing very well at being crate trained which is a bonus! They are training her to pee and poo in the same spot of the yard, another BONUS!

So I am hoping this all works out cuz she is a cutie and she makes those grandsons of mine pretty happy!

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