Saturday, July 13, 2019


July 4, 2019

A few days ago, Jose, Ashley's foster son, showed up at my Mom's house. He was looking for Ashley and we were shocked that he could remember where my Mom lived. He said he had gone to my house a few times but we weren't home. Anyway, Jose wanted to get in touch with Ashley to THANK her and Lytton for being his FOSTER PARENTS when he was 15 years old. He is now 19 and he has a live in girlfriend and a 9 month old baby girl. My mom gave him Ashley's phone number.  He asked if he could join us for fireworks and meet with the rest of us, and of course she said YES! He was excited to see and visit our family and to show us his baby girl.

Well, when the weather was horrible and we were going to cancel fireworks, I told Ashley to call him and tell him we would have to meet up another day. Well, before she could call, he showed up. And I am so glad he did. I was so shocked that he remembered everyone's names and recalled all of the fun times we had with him. I pulled up photos of him and the things we were able to share with him. He and his cute girlfriend loved seeing those photos. His little girl is darling and I am happy for him.

He told us that he had made some poor choices after he left Ashley and Lytton. He went to 5 other Foster Homes and started to get in trouble with the law. Well, thankfully, he has changed his life around and I am proud of him for being such a great Daddy to this baby and he has a good job and he is trying to improve his life. He was so THANKFUL TO ASHLEY and I am too. She was so good for Jose. She was strict and tough but she helped him so much. She brought his grades up from D's and F's to A's and B's. She taught him to be honest and hard working. He recognizes that now and I am so happy that he is grateful to her.

 This almost made me cry. This was such a happy reunion. I am so proud of Ashley and the good that she does!
 Of course this cute baby got held most of the night by Great Grandma Shirley! She looks like Jose!

Jose could not get over seeing Remington and Paisley. Paisley was born when he was living with them. Now she turns 4 in a few days. He couldn't believe Ashley and Lytton have 4 kids now! It was so great to catch up with everything. The kids loved Jose and he was so happy to be with us too.

Jose will always be welcome to join our family. I am so happy that he is being responsible and I wish him the best of luck!

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