Friday, July 26, 2019


July 25, 2019

I had the honor of sitting and talking to LDS LIVING for an interview on our story of THE BAPTISM DRESS that was in our house fire. My Aunt Joyce's Grandson, Dalyn Romig, is doing an internship for LDS LIVING and he wanted to tell our awesome story.

We filmed it at my niece, Stefanie's house. (It was her DRESS she wore 30 yrs ago on her BAPTISM DAY). They told me to wear a nice shirt and they wouldn't film below the waist so I could wear jeans. It was pretty casual but my nerves were getting the best of me.

I was a nervous wreck as they were getting the LIGHTING all set up and I have told that story a hundred times but as I was thinking of what to say my mind was all jumbled up! I was SCARED! Well, they told me I would probably have to tell the story several times and lucky for me I only told it twice. Then they asked me questions and I would have to say it a few different ways. It took hours and I was relieved when it was over. I always get emotional telling that story but I only cried once and cracked a little one other time.

After they FILMED me, they took photos of Hadley, my niece, Stefanie's daughter. She wore the BAPTISM DRESS and they had her twirling around a tree, and walking along a fence, etc... She looked adorable and it was a pretty cool experience.

Dalyn said he will be EDITING it and it will be on FACEBOOK, INSTAGRAM, AND YOUTUBE in the middle of August. I will let you all know when it is up and running.

I have wanted to send this story to THE FRIEND MAGAZINE for years. They said it would take about 12 years to get in there because of all of the other stories. So I was excited to help Dalyn with this project so I could get this STORY out there!

However...You all know what a freak I am about having people from High School see how fat I have gotten, this is a huge deal for me and now look what I have gone and done! I am putting myself out there for the WHOLE WORLD to see! Yikes! Super scary for me!  But, since you're my close FAMILY AND FRIENDS, I will let you know when it is up and out there. You should follow them on INSTAGRAM and FACEBOOK now. They have some pretty cool stuff up there and Madison, Dayln's sister is also on there. Check it out!!

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