Friday, September 2, 2011


BABY BOSTON ARRIVED JULY 26, 2011 AT 8:00 AM. After 36 hours of HARD LABOR he finally made it into this BIG WORLD! He came 10 days early and weighed 7 lb 10 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long.  It was the hardest day of my life to stay at work knowing he was finally here! Zach was so AWESOME to continually send pics and keep me updated thru the birth and then afterwards by sending tons of pics to me! I could hardly contain myself! That evening I jumped on a plane and flew to Vegas. I can hardly describe my JOY as I first laid eyes on this BEAUTIFUL BABY BOY!  I knew then my life would NEVER be the same! He is so PRECIOUS and I just couldn't get enough of him. He looked like Zach until he opened his eyes and then he looked like Mikell. He's a good mix of the both of them. He was so good! He didn't cry and he just seemed so CONTENT!

It was HARD on us when the Doctor came in and said that his kidneys were still dilated and after doing some tests, it showed that 1-5, 5 being the worst, his kidney was a 5 :(  He needed to have surgery the next day. He had REFLUX really bad in the kidney and so urine was going back up into the kidney and that could cause serious infections. That night was a difficult one because we didn't want him to have to go through that. Zach and a few men from his ward came up and gave Boston a BLESSING. The next morning he went into SURGERY and he was a TROOPER! In fact, the doctor called him as tough as a bull! He will have to be on antibiotics everyday until he is potty trained. At that time if the problem hasn't corrected itself he will have to have surgery to fix it. Here he is with all of his monitors and OXYGEN on him. During this whole ordeal Zach and Mikell were AWESOME! The doctors and nurses all commented on how CALM and NATURAL it was for Mikell to handle this BUNDLE OF JOY! They couldn't believe she was a FIRST TIME MOM. She wasn't nervous, or scared. She was CONFIDENT, AND COMFORTABLE right from the get go. Boston is so LUCKY to have such wonderful PARENTS.  After a few days we took the baby home and Ashley came up with Mikell's family to see BOSTON! They instantly fell inlove with him. He is such a laid back baby. He never cries. He just squeeks and pulls funny faces. I know I am going to love this whole GRANDMA thing! This little one has me wrapped around his little FINGER!

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