Sunday, September 11, 2011


I was so HAPPY to be able to go to St George with Jessica, Brody and Debbie to visit Erin and Tyler and to go BOATING and to do something I had never done before and that is FOUR WHEELING! We were so lucky to be able to take the Wittwer's boat out to Gunlock Reservoir and then afterwards we drove to PINE VALLEY to go four wheeling at the Wittwer's cabin. What a FUN, and EXHAUSTING day! In this post I will tell you about the BOATING. First, I am PETRIFIED of swimming in a lake. I am so AFRAID of the big fish swimming underneath me that I cannot see. So when I agreed to get on the O'BRIEN TUBE I made Tyler promise me he wouldn't go too fast and if I was to get thrown off, he needed to HUSTLE back to me so I didn't have to spend too long in the middle of the lake with BIG, SCARY FISH swimming underneath me. I cannot tell you how SCARED I was. So, after we ate a big lunch and I was stuffed, Jessica and I got on our stomachs and held on to that tube for DEAR LIFE! I was laughing so hard it was hard for me to hold on, yet I was so scared I wasn't going to let go. Well, I kept getting BOUNCED all over the place and my legs would catch air and bounce off the tube over and over and pulling me down the tube. I had to keep pulling my big self up and my arms were getting so TIRED! I finally got smart and bent my legs so they were up in the air and not making me BOUNCE all over. Jessica was LAUGHING hysterically the whole time which make me laugh and make me WEAK. But still I held on. Well Tyler started going FASTER and I was getting mad cuz I kept giving him the THUMBS DOWN!!!  So he would slow down, but did they pay attention to me? NO! I was getting so TIRED and I thought I'm not going to be able to HANG ON any longer. I kept giving him the STOP THE BOAT sign, again, I was IGNORED!  I told Jessica, I couldn't hang on and so GOODBYE I was letting go. FINALLY they started to slow down but I just SLID OFF the tube and into the lake that I could not see what was swimming around and below me. Oh that just gives me the WILLIES. I couldn't wait for Tyler to bring that boat back to me!  Later on, Jessica said I had to FACE MY FEARS and SWIM IN THE LAKE.  I wanted to so bad but it took me a while to talk myself into it. Everyone got into the lake and I figured if there were a lot of bodies in there moving away maybe the fish would stay away. So I jumped in and I stayed in there for about a half hour I think. I was PETRIFIED  the whole time but I DID IT!! :)  I had such a great time BOATING and my favorite part was seeing Rylee and Jackson WAKE BOARDING with Tyler. I was really impressed with Tyler. He is really good on the wake board doing FLIPS and stuff. Brody did an AMAZING job on the wake board as well. I had a great time! Thanks Tyler and Erin!!
Here are a few pics:

                                                                    Jessie and Brody
                                                                  Debbie and Rylee
                                                                    Tyler at the helm
                                                                 I'm a dang good flag lady!
Brody getting ready to bust a move or two
                                                                     Cute little Rylee. She is fearless!
                                                            I LOVE Erin's big hat!
                                                   Erin such a cute pregnant lady :)
                                             Jackson was such a great little wake boarder!
                                Slowly pulling from the shore. This was gonna be one heck of a ride!
                                          Pulling myself back up on the exhausting!

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