Sunday, September 4, 2011


Ashley has been bugging me to let her get a SCOOTER for 2 years or more so she can drive it around Logan because her truck gets horrible gas mileage. Well, she found someone who was looking to sell their SCOOTER and would give her a great FAMILY DISCOUNT! I just say, AYE, AYE, AYE! I worry about her CRASHING or someone CRASHING into her! Well, she told ANDY that she would LOVE to buy his SCOOTER! So, he helped her put it into her truck and she got it registered and she was NERVOUS to drive it at first but she was so EXCITED to have it up in Logan. Her truck was a gas hog but this scooter gets like 85 MPG! I just hope we have a very warm, mild winter so she can drive it for awhile before it gets too cold, icy, and snowy up there! After driving it a few times she feels comfortable on it now. I asked her how she takes her dog with her to feed her horses, and she takes him to work with her at the VET CLINIC too. She said, "He's such a good dog! I just put him in my BACKPACK and he just sits still and has his head out and usually one arm and HE LOVES IT!"  Oh my gosh! She's CRAZY! Here are a few pics of her driving the SCOOTER around the block for the first time:

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