Sunday, November 6, 2016


October 10, 2016

Words cannot describe how blessed I feel when I get to witness the BIRTH of my GRANDCHILD. Oh it is the most precious and sacred experience. Ashley always invites me in to take video and pictures. I love that she wants me to come up early and document this special day for her.

Ashley has lots of talents but she makes GIVING BIRTH look like a breeze! Not kidding. She delivered this BABY GIRL in 6 minutes! Just a few PUSHES and woila! The baby was out. I'm always so THANKFUL when there are no complications.

This is how the day began: First, I was thankful I had the big baby gift in my front seat when I got pulled over for speeding on my way to Logan. I really wasn't meaning to speed. My mind was just on this BABY COMING and I hadn't even noticed! The cop asked why I was in such a hurry. I told him my daughter was having a baby and I was just excited to get there! He took my i.d. and registgration and when he returned he said, "well I can see you are an excited Grandma and I can see the baby gift here so I will give you a warning this time. Please set your cruise control and do not speed the rest of the way."  So I did and of course I got there in plenty of time.

Ashley was one of the first patients of the day. I think she got in around 6:00 am. They gave her the pitocin at 7;00 am and that baby wasn't moving much. Ashley started to have really bad CONTRACTIONS but she was putting off the EPIDURAL for as long as possible. (I would be begging for it!) She's a tough one that Ashley! We were just hoping that the baby had stayed turned because the week before she was sideways!

Here are some BEFORE BABY pics:
                             The nurse took this of them right when they got to the hospital.
                               This is the bag that saved me from getting a speeding ticket! :)

 At Logan Hospital each birthing room has a different saying. I liked this one!
                          We're both pretty anxious and so excited for this special delivery!
 Here she is smiling but after awhile that smile turned to this below:

Lytton was so good to rub Ashley's back to help her get through this process.

 Aye! Aye! Aye! I would just cringe every time she had those hard contractions. It's hard to see your daughter in pain! They were coming hard and fast!

When they started bringing the equipment in to get ready for the baby my stomach was a mess! I was so excited yet nervous. For some reason this one left me feeling so anxious more than I had felt with the other two. I don't know why! Lytton was pretty excited too!

Everything happened so fast! She started at 2:42 pm. I think she pushed like 3 times when the Dr said Wow! This baby has a lot of hair! We were so excited because the other two were pretty much bald till they were over a year old! Then we asked, "What color?"  She said lots of curly dark hair! Lytton said, Oh yeah, she has a lot! It was so exciting!!  Then 3 more pushes and she was out! She looked like a big plump, happy baby and she looked just like Remington! She was born at 2:48 pm on October 10, 2016.

They quickly took her and got her cleaned out and weighed her. I was thinking she would be close to 9 pounds. But she weighed 8.62  Still a big GIRL!  She was 19 inches long so she's a short one.
                                                             Look at that curly hair!
                                                  This is just plain precious right here!
 Lytton checking her out. We have waited so long to see what she was going to look like and really, is there a better moment than this? Looking for the first time at something so beautiful you helped to create?

                                                          One proud Daddy right here!

 And then this moment was just a very spiritual moment. When Mom, Dad and Baby looked at each other for the first time.  There were tears of joy and awe. To think that this beautiful baby just left Heavenly Father always gets me.
                                                           There is just no greater love!

 After awhile it was my turn to hold this precious baby girl. I just stared at her and loved her instantly! What a sweet, sweet BABY GIRL! she will always live up to the name.

                                     Does that not look like a smile already? Sweet Sadie!

                                                            What a beautiful day!

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