Monday, January 20, 2014


January 2014

We drove to MIDWAY to see some awesome ICE SCULPTURES that we could walk through. I was so excited to take Boston there and was somewhat disappointed in them. They looked so cool on the internet, and they were, but I didn't think they should have charged $10 a person! I am glad I saw them but I wouldn't go back to see them again. They weren't as big as I thought they would be and it could have been walked through in like 10 to 15 minutes if we didn't stop to take pictures. Oh well, it was cool, but it's one of those "BEEN THERE, DONE THAT!" kinds of things!
 We decided to take pics while waiting in line. I was so excited to go inside!


 You walk in and it is really cool. I love the colors. The lighting for pics wasn't optimal so my pics don't do it justice at all!

 So they have all of these openings that you just walk in and all this beauty is around you, they don't go in very far so I didn't get claustrophobia. You just weave in and out of these things.
                                                  Little Remi even got to enjoy the beauty!

I wanted to see if my tongue would stick...just kidding! I didn't really touch my tongue, that would be gross!

 The Ice Princesses...I was pleasantly surprised that it wasn't FREEZING while we were there!

I took this pic so you can see what the whole thing is about. Everyone just wanders in and out of these castles. There's like 15 of them.

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