Friday, May 8, 2020


May 2, 2020

My Great-Niece, Reece, got BAPTIZED today!!  I got to watch it all on Zoom. Because of the Corona Virus everything has changed and it's not possible for all of us to meet to watch her so we did the next best thing. We all watched on Zoom while Jessica and her family, and the Grandparents got to go to the church to watch it in person. Beau gave a wonderful prayer and they sang the Baptism Song. Rick played the piano, and Debbie led the music. There were no talks, and then came REECE wearing the SPECIAL BAPTISM DRESS that is a keepsake in this family. Brody BAPTIZED her and it was so great!

Afterwards the FAMILY and her FRIENDS drove down the street and into the cul-de-sac and did a DRIVE-BY up to REECE. We honked and hooted and hollered. She stood at a table next to her Mom and Dad and they handed out nummy cookies to everyone. We told her how proud we were of her and gave her little gifts. She looked so cute and so happy!

This is the way to do it, I tell ya. She got more one on one attention and it was more special this way. If we had gone to their house afterwards for a lunch, she would have been playing with the kids and not really been able to have a solo moment with each person.

This is was so dang great and I just loved it! I am so proud of Reece for choosing to be BAPTIZED a member of THE CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER-DAY SAINTS!

Congrats! Reece!!
 Look at the big line of cars all there to CELEBRATE REECE!
 Almost our turn!
 This was so fantastic! Joyce drove me so I could take pics out the window and had her our gift
 Aaahhh, proud moment right here. This is a big milestone. Look how happy Reece looks!

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