Sunday, May 3, 2020


April 3, 2020

I drove Boston, Waylon, and Briggs around to all of their Grandparents' homes and to Aunt Joyce and Jenny to drop off QUARANTINE TREATS. The boys wanted to leave it on the park, ring the doorbell, and hide on the side of the house and wait for them to open the door and then run up and say, "We brought you a treat"! It was SO HARD for them to not give HUGS. Oh this stinkin' virus. We hate living in a world with no HUGS! I am so lucky that I live with some of my Grandkids so I can get several HUGS a day, especially since I am working from home!

This was so exciting for the kids and I know everyone was so surprised to see them too!

 Here they are waiting for the grandparents to open their door. They get so nervous in this part of the game!

 After leaving Grandpa Tom's house we drove to Joyce and Jenny's. When we got there Dalyn answered the door and said they had left to pick up dinner but were coming up the hill right now and that we should hide in the garage. Joyce was shocked when she saw us standing there. It was so awesome!
 Poor little Briggs was scared! Look at that bottom lip. He was trying not to cry. Poor little guy!
And then we went to my Mom's house but my camera died so I was so sad to not get her pic.

We love our GRANDPARENTS and we pray with all of our hearts that they will stay SAFE during this QUARANTINE!

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