Sunday, February 16, 2020


February 9, 2020

The reason I came up to Idaho besides getting the best loves from the kiddo's, was to see Ashley in her calling as PRIMARY CHORISTER. She had some fun things planned and I couldn't wait to see it. She had taught Remington some actions and all the words to the new SONGS she was teaching and I wanted to see him, plus Paisley gave a talk, and Lytton dressed up as NEPHI and surprised the kids in PRIMARY. He was so great! I was so impressed what he told the kids and they just ate it up. You could hear the teachers talking about how awesome it was and that they could really feel the Spirit testify to what he was saying was true.

Everyone did so well and Ashley brought Rhythm Sticks and the kids loved them. It was so great to see them all do a wonderful job! I'm so glad I could spend this SUNDAY with them.

I know you aren't really supposed to take pics and video in CHURCH but we were in the Primary Room so I did and I am so glad cuz it was AWESOME!

 Paisley giving her talk. She did a great job!

 Ashley teaching the kids the new song using Rhythm Sticks. She laid down some ground rules and the kids obeyed. They were not out of control with the sticks and it was so good!
 I caught NEPHI out in the hall.
 Nephi was courageous, powerful and strong!

Here is NEPHI telling his stories of how he went and did the things the Lord commanded even though they seemed impossible. It was SO GOOD!!!

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