Sunday, February 16, 2020


February 12, 2020

I love taking the boys to HEART ATTACK their other GRANDPARENTS. They get the biggest kick out of doing this. This year we got to take Briggs with us for the first time and he loved it! He thought it was so funny to ring the doorbell and run and hide and wait for them to answer the door. He would bounce up and down and he'd shout, "I'M HAPPY! I'M HAVING FUN!"  It was SO cute!

We got cream filled CONVERSATION HEART DONUTS from Krispy Kreme for their TREAT this year and just used red and white doilies to put on their doors.

It's too bad we have to do them so late at night because then I don't get good pics but I will never forget the FUN we had together this year.

 Getting ready to head out for a fun night!
 Boston getting to ring the doorbell at Papa's House

 These boys adore their Papa. They felt bad Grandma Melanie was at the store and missed it so we said we would come back again on our way home.
 On the road to the next house!
 Boston is getting so nervous to Ring and Run. It is so exciting!

 Surprise! They love including Joyce and Jenny in our heart attacking tradition!

 Sorry this is so blurry! Getting ready to run at Nan and Pops house.

 Decorating Grandma Shirley's door.

 Little Waylon kept pulling faces in every pic. Silly kid. But man, they sure love Grandma Shirley
 Ringing the Bell
 Running back for big hugs!

 Mona and Grandpa Tom with Boston and Waylon. They love that each year they get Moon Pies and Money from them. That is the only time they get Moon Pies! They love them.
 Leaving the treat

 Out comes Grandma Melanie and the boys run in for the hugs!
Papa and Grandma Melanie with the boys

These boys had a blast tonight. They came out with more treats and money than they left and they were totally spoiled!

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