Thursday, June 23, 2011


Anyone who knows my brother Steven, knows he says some pretty funny things over, and over, and over again! But one of the funny things he says is, TELL ME ABOUT MY EYES! Well, when I woke up the other day that's the first thing I thought of when I looked in the mirror! WHAT THE HECK???  My eye was so SWOLLEN! For 2 days it swelled up so I went to the doctor and guess what she told me about my eyes?  I had BLETHARITIS!  In other words I have STAFF INFECTION in my eye! Probably was caused by a small sty and then it may have cracked a little bit so Staff could get in there. She said my make up could have caused the bacteria to get in there also. So, although I just bought new masacara and eye shadow, I have to toss it and buy new...GRRR!  Anyway, I thought I'd share a pic of my eye with you. I'd like to hear what you could "TELL ME ABOUT MY EYES!"