Monday, June 6, 2011


With the huge amounts of rainfall we've experienced it's no surprise to me that my basement flooded...AGAIN! but here is what shocked me. Mom called me very upset because her whole basement flooded on Sunday. So I drove down there to help her suck it up with the Rug Doctor that really does a great job. Her sump pump wasn't working properly and the water just kept coming in. We worked hard to get it cleaned up. I went home tired! Then next morning (Memorial Day) she called again very upset and said there is just as much water in her basement and could I come help. So I was going to head down there again when Cyndi called and said, "Suzanne, whatever you do, don't open your garage!!!" I said why? She said your driveway is SO FLOODED! I was shocked! My driveway has never flooded. I about died when I went out and saw it! There was a foot of water! It took me, Cyndi and a neighbor to sweep it out and then 3 other guys from the ward came and helped shovel it out. Look in the background and see the water level mark on the garbage cans to see how deep it was! It took us 2 1/2 hours to get rid of the water. When I went inside exhausted I checked the basement and OH MY GOSH! My basement was SO flooded! My sump pump hose attachments were undone and rolled up by the new kid that mows my lawn and wasn't hooked back up so the water had nowhere to go but inside my house! So needless to say I couldn't go help mom with her water problem so Diane did. Judy came over and helped me with mine. We worked all day and night and my house stinks like MILDEW so bad!! Uggh!  I'll be so happy when the sun starts shining to dry the soggy ground out! If not, I might just start building an ARK!

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