Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Buffet, Bellagio, and the Best Show Ever!! "O" how AMAZING!

After the shower we decided to take a nap before our BIG NIGHT OUT! Bill invited to take us out to dinner so we went to a really nummy BUFFET. They had alot of great food and something for everyone. Mona loved sushi, mussels, crawfish and rice, I loved lasagna, pizza, and nachos, of course they had a variety of nummy DESSERTS as well. Take a look at our dinner and Joyce trying CRAWFISH. I don't think she cared for it!   Then we went to the Bellagio and was impressed with the beautiful flowers. We walked around until it was time to see CIRQUE DE SOLEIL'S "O".  We were AWED by this show. It was truly AMAZING! I suggest everyone see this FABULOUS show!

                                                      The whole gang minus me and Mikell

                                            Deb had Lemon Meringue Pie, and Carrot Cake for dessert!   
                                     Mona chose a Double Chocolate Cake, and a few other desserts!

                                                              Mom, Bill and a shy Zander!
                                                                 Fun at the Bellagio
                                                                 Posing at the Bellagio

                                                              Waiting for "O" to start

                                               Water show at the Bellagio...AMAZING!


1 comment:

  1. The weekend was so fun and the baby shower was great! Glad you guys went and saw O!!
