Sunday, November 1, 2015


October 31 2015

After Debbie's B-day PARTY we came home to get ready for TRICK OR TREATING. We met up with Mikell's family in Farmington so we could all go out together. Brandon's neighborhood has a lot of fun! They get together for a block party and they have crock pots of soups and chili, and hot dogs, desserts, hot chocolate and water for everyone. So we ate dinner there and they have bon fires going and couches and chairs for people to sit on. It was awesome! They have one house that always pops popcorn outside and they had chairs so people could sit and watch TRANSYLVANIA from the projector on the garage. Super fun!

Remington wasn't too thrilled at getting his COSTUME on at first, but then he caught on to the idea that he would get CANDY if he did. He had a blast! It was funny cuz the 2nd house he went to left the bowl of treats on the porch and he was sad that he couldn't take the whole bowl. Funny little guy! He loved TRICK OR TREATING and for a little bit Uncle Zach pulled him and Waylon in the wagon. Waylon loved his COSTUME and he didn't try to take it off. He would say "Bahk, Bahk" when you asked him what a chicken said. Super cute!  Boston took off with his older cousins and was running from house to house. He was loving it!
I love this face! I showed him a pic of this to show him in his costume and he started laughing and then he was ready to go!

 The first house he came to. He was a bit shy at first. But then he thought this is pretty cool!

 Most of the people in this pic that are walking in front of us is Mikell's family. Fun!
 My cute little CHICKEN trick or treating! Waylon is so super cute even with his binky in!

 And Boston was off and running to each house. He wouldn't stand still for me to take a pic!

 Remi wouldn't put on his mask and that's ok. Here he is enjoying his sucker.

 Each house had tons of steps that kind of slowed everyone down.
 Here's my goof ball with my sweet little chick. I'd like to get one pic of Zach acting normal!
 The Crew. I loved how warm it was and light! What a perfect night to trick or treat!

 Little Paisley was in the stroller probably thinking, "What the heck are they doing now?"
                                                    Neal, Ashley and Remington
 I just loved getting photos of the whole group walking around. I love it!
                                    Takin' a little break. I love my Waylon and Remington

 I love my little kiddos. I had a blast TRICK OR TREATING with them!

Finally got Boston to hold still for a second to grab this photo

                                                          Cute little Chicken!

 Here's the house that showed the movie on the garage. Awesome!

We got home and Boston and Waylon went to some of our neighbors and then came home to count how many piece of CANDY they collected. They were so happy with their LOOT! What a fun HALLOWEEN we had this year!

 Boston loved that he got an army man, pencil, and a coupon book for 5 Frosty's from Wendys
                                               He couldn't believe he got full size candy bars!
                                          They counted around 145 pieces of CANDY!
 He counted pieces and then he put them in categories of candy bars, suckers, etc... I was surprised he didn't get any Smarties or SweetTarts this year.
 This cutie was in heaven! He was bouncing off the walls by the time we got home!

 Waylon is always such happy go lucky kid. He was so good tonight and thrilled to see all of the treats he collected.

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