Sunday, March 20, 2011

Fun at Work

Remember those Rated PG-13 Cookies I made for V-Day for work? Well I was asked to make some for St Patricks Day. Everyone in our building is trying to figure out who the clever cook is but it is still "Top Secret" are my St Patricks Day Cookies. They have a good luck charm tattoo on the CHEEK! I'm the first to admit...I DO NOT know how to make SHAMROCKS!!

THEN...It was Dax's 1 Yr. Anniversary for working with us. He is such a great guy and he is a ton of fun! When we get really busy doing passports, he is such a great help to us because he always jumps in to take all of the photos for us so me and Cyndi decorated his office with all of the photo frames we saved for the week and I wrote a note on the door that said, "We couldn't "picture" working without you here! Thanks for all you do" and signed everyone in our departments name. He was shocked when he came to work. We have a lot of fun at work and I work the best people ever. I am one LUCKY girl!

1 comment:

  1. I still need to try those pg-13 cookies. Easter or Mothers day? Which is the most appropriate occasion? haha
