Monday, September 9, 2013


Sept 2013

Back in July our FAMILY got together to CELEBRATE July birthdays and Mikell had Boston wear a SHIRT she had made. It said: ONLY CHILD EXPIRING APRIL 2014. It took everyone a good half hour before it was pointed out that Zach, Mikell and Boston were trying to ANNOUNCE THEIR GREAT NEWS! I am so HAPPY that I am going to be the PROUD GRANDMA of 3 GRANDCHILDREN this April. I will have Boston, Remington, and who knows if I will have 3 BOYS or if this BUNDLE OF JOY will be the first GIRL! I am so excited! My joy runneth over! She wanted us to wait to tell friends until she had her first DOCTOR'S VISIT and Sept 4th she had that visit and they had an ULTRA SOUND and she is definitely PREGO! I AM SO HAPPY! Did I already say that? :)
                                Boston's shirt saying: Only Child Expiring April 2014
                    The family is pretty excited as you can see! Especially Jessica :)
                                                      So are the rest of the family!
                       Is there anything better than getting another grandchild? I doubt it!

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