Thursday, July 10, 2014


June 28, 2014

I went to Logan to help Ashley decorate her new home. It is so cute! I will have to take lots of pics the next time I go up to show you the cute FARM HOUSE she lives in. I love it! I wish they could buy it, but Utah State University owns it and they aren't selling :(

Anyway, Lytton had to go move water at CACHE JUNCTION FARM and he left without eating dinner. Ashley wanted to surprise him with a pizza. I was excited to go there too because the drive is so pretty and it's just fun to be out there. Lytton had taken the baby with him and just put him in the hiker on his back and drove him around on the four wheeler. Well, he didn't know we were coming so we drove out there and couldn't find him anywhere! (He works on 560 acres!)  We finally saw some PIVOTS and thought he had to be close by. So Ashley drove my car and we were going in between the rows of BARLEY and there was a BIG MUD PUDDLE. Ashely wanted to drive through it. I said No! She really thought we could make it and if we got stuck, Lytton could pull us out with the big TRACTOR!  So I said well, if you are going to go through it you better go fast. She thought she would drive to the left of the PUDDLE the best she could and she floored it and all of a sudden we hear a loud CLUNK, CLUNK, CLUNK! We had run over something and I thought my car was totally ruined! We saw a bunch of STEAM coming off my hood of my car and then heard rushing WATER. I mean pounding WATER!  We looked back and there was a GEYSER bigger than OLD FAITHFUL! I was freaking out. I started screaming at Ashley (ok, I called her a mean name (you are so stupid! is what I said. I felt so bad afterwards.) I said Ashley, you have wrecked my car and Lytton is going to get fired! We shouldn't have even been out there. She felt horrible. She hurried and called Lytton and he was so calm when he found out it was us out there that caused it and he kept saying to Ashley, "It's ok."  He turned off the main water because we had run over a RISER that was covered with lots of tall grass. We caused him an extra hour of work. He said, "A good rule of thumb, is when you see a big mud puddle, don't try to drive through it!" He said the STEAM on my car was from cold water hitting my hot engine. Thank goodness!  Later we got a big LAUGH out of it!

What's so funny is I was just saying that nothing too exciting has happened this visit. Because usually something crazy happens like smoke alarms going off or carbon monoxide alarms going off and 911 being called. Then this happened. Lytton thinks it's crazy when me and Ash get together.

                              I love going out to the farm and seeing this. I think it is so pretty!

                                                      This is the geyser Ashley caused.
 You wouldn't believe how powerful this water came out. It was incredible!
                                                                  Gotta love this puddle!

 You can tell in these next two pics Lytton isn't really too pleased with us.

                                                                         Aye! Aye! Aye!
 There we got him to smile! He is sucha good man. I am so thankful he is pretty calm about the whole thing.
                                     Remington loved being out on the farm with his Daddy.
                           I love these pics because the land is so beautiful in the background.

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