Sunday, July 19, 2015


July 8, 2015

Ashley and Lytton were scheduled to go to Logan Hospital to be induced at 6:00 am. Well, the night before they had 15 babies born! And there wasn't enough nurses to attend to her so they told her to come in at noon. That was disappointing to her because she was up at 5:30 am and getting herself psyched up to have this BABY!  My mom and I had come up the night before to watch Remington while they went it. So we went shopping for odds and ends for the baby and played. They got to the HOSPITAL by noon and they did an ULTRA SOUND because they really believed she would have a 9 or 10 pound baby! They started her at 1:00 but didn't break her water till 3:30 because the BABY hadn't dropped yet! Things were moving slowly and we were hoping that she would come on this day so her BIRTHDAY would be 7/8/15 (Remi's is 10/3/13..get it? they add up!) To make a long story short, I called Tanner and asked her if she was still willing to help with Remi while I went to the HOSPITAL to video tape the BIRTH. She was so willing! She was a blessing! Her and Anna came up to help my Mom (we were wiped out by the time they came!) They got there at 7:40 pm and I left for the HOSPITAL a few minutes later. I wasn't there 2 minutes when they said, "Get ready! We're going to deliver this Baby!"

I couldn't believe it! So I took my position above Ashley's shoulder and filmed the AMAZING BIRTH of her BABY GIRL!  They started her at 8:20 and at 8:32 she was born. She pushed 8 times and out she came. It was BEAUTIFUL! There is nothing more miraculous than seeing a BABY BE BORN! I took some photos of BABY GIRL and was excited to see how much she WEIGHED. She definitely was NOT a 10 lb Baby! Ashley kept saying, "she is tiny!"  She really wasn't tiny at all. She was PERFECT at 8 lbs 5 oz 20 Inches long. She was a really chill baby and didn't cry much at all! She was very alert and you won't believe this but I tell you, we laid her on Ashley's chest and she lifted her head all by herself. She continues this day lifting her totally up. She is strong! She is BEAUTIFUL and I am thrilled beyond words to have a GRAND-DAUGHTER! I am totally in-love with her already!

                              They named her PAISLEY SUZANNE BASTIAN.

We called Tanner and they brought my Mom and Remington up to see his BABY SISTER. It was the most precious thing ever! He was in awe with her and just wanted to LOVE her and HOLD her. It made me get all teary-eyed. We have it all on video and it's the best!

What a BLESSED event this was. My posterity is getting larger!! And I couldn't be more thrilled!

                                                       Best Friends!
                                                 Four Generations!

The next day we went to visit again in the hospital. Remi was so happy to see Grandpa Bastian there. He jumped in his arms and gave him a big hug. It was so cute to see!

                                                      Lytton with his Mom

                                             I love those rolls on her legs already! :)
 She has the same pointy elf ear as My mom, me, Ashley and my niece Stefanie!
                                                  I love you Paisley Suzanne!

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