Saturday, February 8, 2014


January 31, 2014

Ashley and Lytton went to the JAZZ GAME tonight and I was excited that I got to watch REMINGTON for the first time! He was so first! We put him in the BUMBO for the first time and he LOVED it! Then we got out Boston's old PLAY GYM and he thought it was the BEST thing ever! He was just so HAPPY for the first hour. And then...he got tired. This baby was missing his MOMMY! She usually breastfeeds him to sleep. Well, I attempted to feed him his bottle and he didn't want any of that! (She feeds him out of a bottle often, so that wasn't the problem). The problem was it was his bed time and he just wanted MOMMY! I tried ROCKING him, SINGING to him, WALKING the floor with him, etc... he just kept getting more and more upset. He has a pretty dang good set of LUNGS! Then he just got MAD! I seriously was at a loss as to what to do. Mikell had a migraine and was downstairs sleeping, don't ask me how she stayed asleep with his wailing! Zach was trying to put Boston to bed and finally came up to help me. Zach said, "I have never seen a baby cry like this!" But he took over and HELD him, ROCKED him and finally I said, "Let's put him in his CAR SEAT CARRIER THINGY and swing him with the cover over it. Well, that did the trick and Zach was able to get him to sleep in like 5 minutes! Thanks so much for your help Zach!

Ashley kept texting to check on him but I didn't want to ruin their NIGHT OUT so we just played it like it was nothing really but she kept texting and was worried.  He was just fine once he fell asleep! :)  I think we need to watch him more often so he is used to someone else putting him to sleep. I really enjoyed being with Remington though. He is a doll!

 Zach is an awesome Uncle to Remington. I really don't know what I would have done without him. Zach is so patient and it made me my heart all warm and fuzzy to hear how Zach would talk with Remi when he was freaking out.
 This was a quick preview of what was coming later in the night. I think he has my chins!
 Boston loved to lay down to share his Baby Waylon's toys with Remington. I love these 2 Boys!
 Remington loved playing with these toys! He loved the music and the lights on the top!
                                                                 I love this little guy!

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