Sunday, December 22, 2013


Nov. 2013

Steven has been so upset since I went to St George (Washington County...he won't say the city, only the county) in August and he didn't get to go that I thought it would be fun to take him them over his Birthday. So, me, Mom, Grandma and Steven drove to Washington County (St. George) and stayed with Erin and Tyler and took Steven to do all the fun things he likes to do. We took him to ZIONS, we went BOWLING, we ate at CHUCK-A-RAMA so he could eat 7 chickens! (pieces)! We watched MOVIES, and we went to the ST GEORGE TEMPLE, the BRIGHAM YOUNG HOUSE tour, BRYCE CANYON and to BOULDER to see where Ray was born and raised, and most importantly we took him through 15 COUNTIES!!  We would pull over when it was safe and take a picture of him with the COUNTY SIGN,  but we hit such bad weather that sometimes we just were lucky to get the sign! It was a very interesting trip. It was not my best vacation, and I am trying to think if it was my worst. I am inconclusive right now. Steven can be so STUBBORN and most of the time he was ok, but we had to keep him and Grandma separated because they would FIGHT. Grandma was surprisingly the most difficult on this trip. It was interesting and one me and mom will never forget! We kept saying, "Are we having fun yet?"  But then me and mom would make each other LAUGH and it was all good! A big thanks to Erin and Tyler for letting us stay in their beautiful home!
 We started out the trip by stopping at the Big Red Barn in Santaquin to get ice cream. Steven refused to let us take a pic of him where we normally do on this bench in front.
 But he did insist I take his picture with this Beaver, in Beaver after moving some people's bikes out of the way because he is so stubborn he had to have it just the right way!!
 Steven was so happy that Channing would let him hold him and play with him.
 Erin got him a cake for his birthday. He was so excited that we would celebrate his birthday.
 He got a new SD Card for his camera that was full...he refuses to delete any pics even after he has them printed out. He takes just about as much, if not more pics than I do! He also got more rechargeable batteries for his camera.
Steven loved Erin's entry way with the big guessed it! Steven had to play "Sampson and try to push the pillars down!

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