Saturday, April 13, 2019


March 26, 2019

WAYLON TURNED 5 YRS OLD! We CELEBRATED at his Grandma Melanie's house with a SNAKE PARTY! Oh was he excited and surprised!  This kid LOVES SNAKES, and SPIDERS!

So I made him a really long SNAKE CAKE! He loved it! This cake was so long it filled up the whole back seat of my mom's Lincoln!

Waylon opened GIFTS and blew out CANDLES and ate CAKE.

 I love this face!

Then, the FUN began! These people came with lots of SNAKES, a TRIANTULA and a huge SCORPION! There were LIZARDS, TURTLES and TREE FROGS. These kids LOVED IT!  They weren't afraid to hold the SNAKES at all which really surprised me. I'm tellin' ya these kids were in heaven! This was the best party WAYLON could ever ask for!
 These kids were listening intensely to what was being taught about the reptiles.
 Then they had the Birthday Boy come up and they put a few snakes and a lizard on him!

 Boston loved holding this big snake.
 Then Waylon held the TARANTULA!
 Remington dared to hold the big snake too!
 Look at these kids having no fear! I was scared to death!

 Ashley dared to hold them too. When she was little she loved snakes too!

 Middie loved the snakes and I was surprised. I thought she would be scared of them.

 I'm scared to death of these lizards even! Boston loved carrying this guy around.
 Happy Birthday Boy!

 I think she wore this snake around her neck for at least a half hour!
Holy Smokes Owen! That's a big snake!

Everyone who knows me, knows I am SCARED SPITLESS when it comes to SNAKES and any kind of REPTILE! I wanted to show Waylon how BRAVE I could be, and overcome my FEAR! They started me off holding a small SNAKE. I was SO SCARED! They feel so much different than I had imagined!

 Then they put the BIG one on me and I was really, really SCARED! I was sweating to death. I just asked the guy if he would please hold the head. I cannot believe I dared to do this. I was so proud of myself and Waylon and Boston were so proud of me because they know that's one of my greatest FEARS EVER!

 Look at this snake! Boston is so brave!
 Look at these cuties!
Check out this HUGE SCORPION and TARANTULA! I can't believe they dared to hold them!!

Well, this PARTY WAS A SUCCESS! Everyone learned so much and really, the kids thought this was SO COOL!


WAYLON is such a great kid! Here are just 5 THINGS I LOVE ABOUT HIM:
1. He is so sweet!
2. He is funny.
3. He loves to play jokes on me and gets the biggest kick out of leaving fake snakes in my bed!
4. He is a great brother.
5. He has great determination.

Those are only a few of things I love about Waylon. This kid is AWESOME! I am so happy that he is 5 YRS OLD and I am so happy he is my Grandson! I am so lucky!

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