Monday, April 15, 2019


April 3, 2019

I was so STOKED for GENERAL CONFERENCE. I have been waiting with anticipation to hear our PROPHET, Pres. Nelson, and the APOSTLES speak. I have been reading the best book written by Sheri Dew called INSIGHTS FROM A PROPHETS LIFE RUSSELL M NELSON. I really enjoyed reading that book and I have an increase of admiration for him and I just love him so much. I am so glad I read that this week. I couldn't wait to hear from him.

I like making fun stuff for the kiddo's to do during CONFERENCE. This year I quickly made a magnet board with the RED CHAIRS and every time an APOSTLE spoke the kids could place them in a RED CHAIR. Before the session started I had fun playing with the kids DON'T EAT THE APOSTLE!!  It's a fun game where they get to eat lots of candy if they are lucky. It's like Don't Eat Pete but instead I used pictures of the APOSTLES so the kids could get used to seeing them. They LOVE playing this game. They would LAUGH so hard when I'd yell out DON'T EAT THE APOSTLE if they took the candy off that secret apostle.

Then I would tell them something interesting about each APOSTLE so they could get to know them. Waylon loves Elder Gong cuz he loves penguins! Boston loves Elder Bednar because he played quarterback and Boston was surprised how many APOSTLES were once BYU PRESIDENTS or BYU IDAHO PRESIDENTS. Then we played APOSTLE CONCENTRATION. I really enjoyed teaching/playing with these kiddos!

I watched the Saturday Morning Session with Boston and Waylon then I watched Saturday Afternoon with my Mom, Joyce and Jenny. Then I drove to Idaho and watched both Sunday Sessions with Ashley's family. Both families loved putting the APOSTLES in their RED CHAIRS. Of course they played CONFERENCE BINGO and COLORED this cool picture I had made for them. It was fun!

I loved CONFERENCE and I loved listening to the PROPHET. I thought every talk was amazing but these were my favorites: I loved Elder Soares, Sister Eubanks, but as usual, my favorite was from Elder Holland. I look forward to taking the SACRAMENT and I was reminded that I have a lot to think about during the SACRAMENT. The PROPHET gave the best talk and I just hated to see it end. I could have listened to a lot more! My SPIRIT was fed this weekend! I LOVE CONFERENCE!


This was Waylon's Bingo Board. It was almost filled but Briggs kept running in and sneaking the Gummy Bears right off his Bingo Board!!

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