Sunday, December 13, 2015


December 11, 2015

I was so excited to hear that Ashley and Lytton were going to a Christmas Party (Lytton's work party). Ashley could really use a night out and that means I get to watch Remington and Paisley! Remi is just getting over Croup and so we didn't want him around Waylon and Boston so I watched them at my mom's house. It takes two of us to watch them anyway. It's not that Remi is bad, he's just so curious and wants to get into everything! We were pooped by the end of the night! Paisley is perfectly content and just smiles the whole time! We had a super fun night with these kiddo's and oh I just can't tell ya how much I loved it when Remi was getting tired and just cuddled with me for the longest time. That's rare nowadays because he is the busiest kid ever! Super fun night tonight!!
 Oh how I love our little Paisley. She honestly is the happiest baby ever!

 This t-shirt is so true! Catch me if you can! Remi had me chasing him around Grandma Shirley's house all night. He thinks it is so funny! I definitely got my exercise this evening.

And just look at those thick, solid thighs of his. He is a huge kid!
 Here he is giving love to Grandma Shirley. He was being so lovey!
                                  More loves Grandma Shirley! She was saying, "Oh Remi I love you too!"
                                                            Our sweet boy Remi
I didn't have my camera out when little Paisley was all smiles. I tell ya she looks exactly like Ashley looked at this age. It's sort of weird to be seeing my baby all over again!

Here's a few pics of Remi and Paisley lovin' on each other. Paisley loves her brother! I'm serious! She gets so excited to see him and she wants to watch everything he does. Remi is super sweet with her giving lots and lots of loves and saying she's his sister!

They don't mind hanging out together while Paisley gets in some tummy time!

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