Monday, September 1, 2014


Aug. 2, 2014

We always love it when Joyce and Jenny fly in to town. I spend as much time with them as I can. We miss them so much and cannot wait for them to move here! Can you imagine all of the FUN we will have when they are here?!!  But because it was Grandma's big birthday, Jared flew in too! It has been years since we have seen him and boy, have we missed him. Everyone loves Jared. He is everyone's favorite. It was so awesome to hang out with him. We hope to see more of him, more often!! :)
These pics are just random ones of us hanging out.
                                                                 Jared and Joyce
                            Rylee and Jack playing with Remington. Rylee was so cute with him.
 Big Grandma...the party animal. She was exhausted after the end of this day though!
 Rylee and Jack playing with Remington. It looks like Lytton was doing a jig here. Not sure what was going on there!
                                         Big Grandma with Channing and Tyler
                                         Lytton, Remington, Channing and Tyler
                    Boston waiting on his cool Cars table for someone to bring him his food!
                                               Grandma Shirley and Waylon.
                                Grandma Shirley, Waylon, Debbie and Joyce all just kickin' it.
 Mikell, Zach, Boston, Grandma Shirley and Waylon. I am glad they came over to visit.
 We FINALLY got to meet Gina, Steven's girlfriend. She brought over a nice card and some pretty flowers for Grandma's birthday. Her daughter is on the left.
                                                         Gina and Big Grandma
 Steven was the most quiet I have ever seen him, being on his best behavior cuz Gina was there! He didn't even freak out when I kept taking pics of him. He usually gets so mad and says he is going to break my camera. He just sat there even though I know he was irritated with me. Under his breath he said, "knock it off Punky!"
 Joyce and Grandma. Joyce had to keep reminding Grandma of who she was. She hopes she won't forget her.
                                                    Jenny and Jared with their Grandma
                                                                            The Romigs
                                                      Grandma with her two daughters.
                                                    Me and Mom with Grandma
                                                             Jared with Aunt Shirley
                                                Me, Jenny and Jared. I love my cousins!

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