Sunday, August 17, 2014


July 2014

Erin and her kids met me at CHERRY HILL so we could have the kids play. It was a TON OF FUN going down the LAZY RIVER and watching the kids enjoy themselves so much.
 I just love Channing. He is such a cutie. I love that little face of his!
                                                Erin, Channing, Boston and Rylee
                                                             Erin is a cutie too!
                                             Me and Boston. He loved to pull me along!

                                                    Jackson cruisin' down the slide
 Boston loved going down the slide this year.
                                                            Rylee loved the slide too.
                                              They had fun playing in Pirates Cove

 Jackson loves it when I take pics of him swimming under the water.
Me and Boston. I had SO MUCH FUN with him tonight at Cherry Hill. Life is good!

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