Sunday, August 24, 2014


July 24, 2014

Stefanie and Erin were still in town and wanted to spend the 24th of July at Grandma Shirley's. They wanted their kids to learn about the fun tradition we used to do with their mommy's when they were little. Grandma Shirley told them all about it. Then they played games, danced, and watched fireworks. It was fun to see these little ones. They are all so cute and so sweet. I am glad I got to spend time with them too.

The TRADITION that we used to do when the kids were little was sleeping over Grandma Shirley's and staying up all night talking and laughing with cousins and of course me. I was the only aunt that would spend the night with them. Then we would wake up really early in the morning and me and Grandma would haul out tons of food and games to play with the kids while we waited for the DAYS OF '47 PARADE AT LIBERTY PARK. The kids would eat and play and since we sat by the end of the PARADE, we would look down and the kids would be sound asleep when the PARADE finally made it to us! We would wake them up and they enjoyed all of the big FLOATS. Afterwards, we'd go to RANCHO LANES and we'd BOWL, eat HOT DOGS and DRINKS for .47 cents each! Later that evening their parents would join us and we'd have a BARBECUE at Grandma's. Those were FUN MEMORIES!
                                                          Dane, he is such a cutie!
 McCord, Dane, Hadley and Channing playing games while Stef and Grandma look on.
 Grandma talks to some of her Great Grandkids and tells them of the fun traditions we did on the 24th of July when their parents were little.
                                                         Debbie, Stefanie, and Erin
                                                     Grandma Shirley and Hadley
                                                       Playing Apples to Apples
 McCord, Dane, Jackson, Rylee, Channing and Hadley...I love all of these cuties! They're watching fireworks on Grandma's "Love Benches"  :)
 Me with Big Grandma, Debbie and Mom watching Erin and Stef light up some fireworks.
 Then we danced. Hadley and Rylee are such wonderful dancers and they love to perform!

 Then we turned on One Republic's "You Don't Know You're Beautiful" and we all got up and danced. It was so much fun! I have it all on video!
Jackson and Rylee dancing. After Deb, Stef and Stef's kids left, me, Erin and her kids slept over. What a fun night we had!

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