Sunday, August 24, 2014


July 27, 2014

We went to my Dad's to CELEBRATE the JULY B-DAYS. It was Beau, Diane, and Boston's Birthdays. Since we had cake at Boston's party yesterday, we had brownies and ice cream. We were so happy that Erin and her kids were still in town to help us CELEBRATE!
                                            Grandpa Tom holding a roly poly Waylon!
                                                              Singing Happy Birthday
                                                   Blowin' out the candles
 Zach was such a great sport. He was wrestling with all of the kids. They loved it! He got a real good work out!

 Andy is so cute with all of the babies. Here he is holding Waylon. Waylon is getting so big!
 Andy took his turn wrestling with the kids. They wiped him out too!
This was so funny! Poor Andy couldn't move with all of those kids hanging on his legs!
This little sweetie loves to watch the kids but gets nervous when they start wrestling around!

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