Wednesday, January 12, 2011

New Years Eve 2010

I was so happy that Erin and Tyler and their kids were stuck in Utah for several days due to the huge storms back East. That was perfect timing! Erin and Tyler were able to spend New Year's Eve with us. Erin, Jessica and Debbie hosted the family party and they did an AWESOME job! Erin and Jess did a lot of research on the New Years Traditions around the world. Did you know that birds are BAD LUCK? Did you know that if you eat orange slices and grapes at midnight that it gave you GOOD LUCK? Because birds are bad luck, the loser of the games had to sit in the chair with birds hanging all around them, and they had to wear a boa of feathers...check out the pics...Grandma Shirley was the BIG LOSER! :)
We had fun playing games, eating, and drinking these awesome fruity drinks Erin made for us.

Jessica came up with a FUN game that I think should be a NEW TRADITION! We had to play CHARADES, acting out the HEADLINES from 2010. Some were hard but we got all of them I think. We got one point for guessing the right headline and another if we could guess what month it occurred. That was more difficult. We also wrote down 3 RESOLUTIONS and had to guess whose they were.
My mom came up to spend New Years with us and then spent the night at my house. We had so much FUN!

Oh yeah, the funniest part of the night was when Grandma Shirley started dancing like Lil' Wayne! Oh my gosh! When she grabbed her crotch and started doing the nasty dance I thought I would die LAUGHING! I had to have her do it again for the video camera. We were just not expecting that and it was just HILARIOUS!


  1. Cute post! It sounded like a great night - I love that the fam is up for anything, it makes things so much fun!

  2. Love the pics! That really was a fun night!!

  3. Loving all the blog updates! Grandma's dance was hilarious!
