Sunday, April 26, 2020


March 2020

OK...Life is getting real weird, real fast! Apparently the WORLD is shutting down because of the CORONA VIRUS. Everyone is starting to panic and it's kind of contagious. So, there are rumors that maybe the County is going to shut down. Curtis decided that we were no longer processing passports, and we can only do marriage by appointment only. Since the temples, and the reception centers closing down we were SO BUSY at work with couples afraid that they wouldn't be able to get married. I performed SO MANY CEREMONY'S and life just feels so weird and a little creepy.

Curtis could tell that the stress level was rising in our office so he made a COVID CARE CUBICLE in the office. He filled it with snacks, chocolate, drinks, etc...he told us to go help ourselves whenever we need a little break. This is small, but it went a long way. It really helped us!

Do you know how precious this stuff is right now? You can't find any of this sanitizer in stores or on the internet. Along with toilet paper, this is a hot commodity right now.

I just cannot believe how odd and weird this all feels. What a crazy wait to start out 2020. Everything about this is just so, so weird!

So...theaters, all sports, including the NBA, concerts, plays, restaurants, just everything... ALL CLOSED! and they won't be having the OLYMPICS this year either...everything is CANCELED!  Oh...and ALL SCHOOLS ARE CLOSED. Everyone is on Home school! There are 3 hour waits at the grocery store and people are hoarding everything! Zach's business can't keep up. It's nuts! And all of the CHURCHES ARE CLOSED! We have church at home and Zach is able to prepare the SACRAMENT for us. This is so crazy but I love this. I love this staying far!

They have asked us to not go in groups more than 10...then they just asked us to practice SOCIAL DISTANCING. They want us all to stay home. They just closed all of the NATIONAL and STATE PARKS.

They are expecting hundreds of thousands of people to die. The WORLD IS SHUTTING DOWN! It makes me feel so bad that people are losing jobs! The economy has crashed and we have never experienced anything like this.  I have never been so thankful for my job...

Well, now fast forward two weeks...I am now working from HOME! I could not be happier! I have just wanted to be HOME for so long! I work harder at home because I don't answer phone calls, or help people at the counter and so my eyes are so strained from working hard on the computer every day...but I'm not complaining. As sad as all of this is...I LOVE BEING HOME!

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