Sunday, July 7, 2013


July 4,2013

I made some NEW GAMES this year and it seemed that everyone liked them. It was FUN watching everyone participate in the GAMES. The first games was the POPCORN RELAY. We filled cups of POPCORN and attached them to their shoes. They had to run and try to keep as much POPCORN in their cups as possible.
                                           Boston kept eating the POPCORN out of his cups
                                                          And the RACE IS ON!
 Jackson and Dane were running pretty fast but they didn't have much popcorn left :)
Boston went really slow and then he spilled some popcorn and he yelled, "I spilt it!"

Another Game was the CEREAL CATCHING SHOWER CAP: Everyone got a partner and one had to wear a SHOWER CAP with SHAVING CREAM and the partner had to throw as much CEREAL as they could in 60 seconds and try to be the one that landed the most on the SHOWER CAP. I love some of these pics!
                                     On your mark, get set, go! Throw the FROOT LOOPS!
                                                 Trying to catch the cereal on their heads.
                                                              Dane looks so cute!
                                                    I love this pic of Mikell. So funny!
                                                           Diane was a good sport!
                                                    McCord and Brody caught a bunch
                                               Kayla and Rylee sport a cute new hat!
                                      Dane and Jackson were partners and they did a great job!
                                                 Lytton looks like he had a great time!

The next game was the COLANDER WATER BALLOON CATCHER: Partners switched places in this game. One threw the WATER BALLOON while the other tried to catch it in the COLANDER that was on their head. The one who caught the most BALLOONS without POPPING them, WON!
 Everyone did a great job. Some got a lot more wet than others, but I was impressed that so many were able to catch the balloons without popping them. Good job guys!

                                         Andy, Ashley and Zach really got into this game!
Another game was the AIM GAME. I made three new games that required skill. They were harder than they look but they had 60 seconds to try and rack up as many points as they can by either throwing a football in the shapes on the large tarp and each had different points assigned to it, The other looks like it was for the little kids, but it was hard! They had to throw a loop on the standing pool noodles, and the other was throwing a pool noodle through the loops. Everyone loved these games and trying to get the highest points. The girls totally rocked these games! Andy won Ashley by 10 points is all but all the girls did SO AWESOME!

                                                 Morgan did pretty good on this game!

                                                        Brody throwing the football.
                                              Dad takes a turn at throwing the football
                                               Here is Jackson. He did a great job!
                                                           McCord was awesome!
                                 Here is Morgan. Did I mention that all the girls were SO GOOD??  :)


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