Saturday, September 1, 2012


August 26, 2012

On the way home from our TUACAHN trip, I was coming upon the BRYCE CANYON EXIT so I asked everyone if they wanted to go see it because I have never been there. They said, "Sure" so we took a little detour and went to see the GORGEOUS BRYCE CANYON! I couldn't believe how BEAUTIFUL it was. I kept saying, OH. MY.GOODNESS! Everywhere I looked I saw BEAUTY! One thing that was super funny was that it was so hot and sunny until the first time we stopped to get out and look at one of the view points, and it started POURING RAIN! Well, it didn't last long thank goodness, because we stopped at every VIEW POINT! I was so happy we stopped here. My grandma kept saying that she was happy we were seeing this because she wouldn't ever get to experience this again. I am so glad for the time we get to spend with her. She is always game for anything we want to do but she gets so stubborn and embarrassed when we have to help her at all! I am so grateful to experience this with her! Ok, so I took hundreds of pics so I am just randomly going to throw a few on here.

                                                   Mom, Grandma and Diane
 It was raining so hard I could hardly keep up with the wipers... then it started hailing!

                                                          Me and My Grandma!
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                                              Hittin' the road again between view points
                                   A self portrait so I could get this cool rock in the background!

1 comment:

  1. Good job dear I like your way to present your creation. I like your blog it’s very attractive. Thanks for sharing!

    Bryce Airport
