Monday, September 21, 2015


August 2015

Tanner and Nate moved to Colorado and so I went with Ashley and her kids to visit her. It was a crazy trip. Everything bad kept happening before we left and we should have known that it was an omen and we probably should have postponed our trip. We were going to leave early on Thursday morning so we could get there around 2:00 pm. Well Ashley needed to get new brakes and they were supposed to be done Wed night or Thursday, no later than 9:00 am. Well she finally got it at 1:00 pm, then we had to get 2 new tires. To make it a lot shorter, we didn't get on the road till 4:00 pm right in time for bad  traffic! The DVD player didn't work for Remi and it was a VERY LONG drive! We didn't get there till midnight! My eyes were straining to see where all the curves were up the canyon and you know I get night blindness so it was a little stressful at times but we made it! We thought the kids would go right to sleep...WRONG! We didn't get Remi to sleep till 1:30 am! Then I couldn't sleep a wink with the baby in my room cuz she is noisy and kept thing she was waking up and so I wanted to be ready for her bottle. Needless to say I got like 4 hours sleep!

All Ashley wanted to do was ride bikes up the Canyon. So her and Tanner and Remi rented bikes but Remi was throwing a HUGE TANTRUM and it was so bad that they couldn't even get him in the bike trailor so they got their money back for the bikes. OH wait! Before that happened we took Remi to the Emergency Room to see if he needed stitches in his finger. He cut it bad on a glass clock. Thank goodness he didn't!

We decided to take Remi to a swimming pool so he could get his energy out. Well, all he wanted to do was to go into the cold lap pool that kids can't play in. And there was all of this cool stuff for him to play with in the kiddie pool! He kept getting out and running and slipping hard on the cement. I thought at one point that he broke his arm! He was such a handful on this trip!

                                                           Tanner and Remi

                                                   Ashley and little Paisley
                                                             Me and my Remi
                                       He loved sitting on these water blobs!

Again, he didn't go to bed till about 2:00 am! Poor Ashley needed a break and instead this was really hard for her and we were all exhausted!

The next day we went to Maroon Bells and it was GORGEOUS! While there we were going to go on a little hike but then came to some signs saying there was BEAR activity and to be careful. Well we kept going a little ways and a family came up towards us saying there was a Momma Bear and some babies. We decided to forget the hike.
                                          Best Friends Forever! Tanner and Ashley
                                                   Me and My Sweet Daughter!
 This is so gorgeous. The Red Rock is on the bottom of this part of the lake and this water was so clear, we could see all the big fish swimming around.
                                                          Nate and Tanner
 Remington loved it here and none of us wanted to leave. It was so pretty!

 Even little Paisley loved it here. She was so good! I love this little girl so much!
                                          Climbing on anything he could!
                                   Ashley and Paisley. Paisley's first vacation at 6 weeks!

Now all I wanted to do while in ASPEN was to take the TRAM to the top where we could FLY KITES (we brought our own), they had a humongous sand pile for kids and lots of fun activities at the top of the mountain. I went to buy our tickets and the lady said, "Are you sure you still want to go? It takes 20 min to get up there and the last tram comes down 15 minutes after that. We close at 4:00! BUMMER! So we didn't get to do that.

So we decided to go walk through the town because they had tents up from all the little shops and it looked fun. Well we walked down just as everyone was closing shop! We missed that too! So we decided to eat dinner there. Well, can you believe they don't take Debit or Credit? They only took cash and we didn't have enough with us so Tanner and Nate walked a few blocks down to get cash out of my ATM account.  Everything went wrong on this trip except for the MAIN REASON we came and that was to visit TANNER AND NATE! We enjoyed being with them and oh my goodness! I love where they live! It is absolutely beautiful! I'm so happy that Tanner and Ashley have remained best friends since 3rd grade. I love those two! And I loved Colorado!

                                         Little Paisley just hanging out with us in Aspen.
Remington was so good while we were waiting for our dinner. We ate out on a bench in Aspen looking at all the amusing people. It's fun to people watch!
Paisley looked like she was going to cry, if she did it wasn't for long cuz she was so good!

We enjoyed being with Tanner and Nate and we know the next time we come for a visit things will align perfectly and the kids will be a little older and it will be a lot easier. But thanks for being such a great hostess. We love you both and miss you like crazy!

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