Saturday, April 2, 2011


So I have been DIZZY for 3 weeks now and the past week has been AWFUL! I mean SPINNING 24/7. I haven't been able to get off the couch since Wednesday except to pee and to go to the ACCUPUNCTURE Doctor! I know I usually am not into that type of medicine, but since the medical doctors can't seem to figure out what's wrong with me, my mom told me to try this Korean doctor, Dr. Kim a try. He helped Ray's painful legs a lot! So, I am desperate to get well so I thought what the heck? What do I have to lose? So I went on Thursday to see him and I was impressed! He grabbed my wrist and started feeling it and telling me things that were totally RIGHT ON! AMAZING! For example, he said, "Why don't you eat meat? You need to eat meat. Well, the truth is, I'm not crazy about meat. I really have to be in the mood for steak, or chicken. I'm just not a meat lover and he knew it! Then he said you have back pain on left side, its your left kidney...its not working so well! OH. MY. GOSH! My left kidney has been bothering me for several weeks now! He then proceeded to tell me I was STRESSED OUT and the my BODY WAS TIRED! I know I do too much and I need to slow it down. Then he said my heart was fine and then he I got on the table and he put in some needles in my feet, kind of by my thumb and my head. It didn't even hurt!! I laid there for about an hour and it was over....I was disappointed because it didn't MIRACULOUSLY HEAL ME like I was praying for. He told me to come back on Saturday. I figured it was worth another try especially after how sick I have been! So today is Saturday and me, mom and Ash drove out there and this time he said he thinks my dizziness is coming from my liver and my heart needs more energy. So he stuck needles in my pinky toe, both legs, and my head...again NO PAIN! :)  Then he went out and arm wrestled Ashley. He kept saying in his broken English, You so STRONG! Your mom is WEAK! I yelled out, Hey! I heard that!!  He really liked Ashley. He said Your face is GOOD! :)  Then when I was done with my treatment he said I make you some medicine to give your heart energy. You need more hormone and blood flow to the heart for energy. So he hands me this plastic pouch. He kept telling me it was made of DEER HORN! at least that is what I thought he was saying and then he handed it to me and sure enough it was made of DEER HORN! SICK! He made me drink the WHOLE thing right there in front of him! GAG! It was made of deer horn, leaves, roots, and seeds. I kept thinking to myself. You cannot throw this up! You are on the Amazing Race and you have to drink this so you can move on! (I know I'm wierd!) Anyways, I drank it and it was nasty and he said I have to drink another one tonight and then two on Sunday and two on Monday! Are you KIDDING ME? So I came home from after my card party at Grandma's and was putting it off till it got really late and Ash just said hurry Mom just get it over with. I drank it and gagged the last little swallow and threw it up...just the last swallow. Oh my gosh! How am I going to do this 4 more times? Don't think I'm a big baby. Have you ever drank DEER HORN???  The only reason I will continue drinking it and will go visit him for another accupuncture treatment on Monday is because when I left his office today I actually felt BETTER! I am still dizzy but not spinning!!!!  So I hope that I will continue to improve because I can't handle this much longer and I do not want to miss more work!!  Enjoy the pics...please notice the has a DEER on it. It really is DEER HORN! Don't notice my pics. It was really late!

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