Sunday, February 26, 2012


Poor little BOSTON wasn't feeling so good so Mikell took him into the doctor's office. She was told he had the beginnings of RSV. He had a horrible COUGH and was very WEEZY. He told her to bring him back in if he had LABORED BREATHING. Well a day or two later he did, so she took him back in and they gave him a BREATHING TREATMENT and his OXYGEN levels were so low they had her check him into the HOSPITAL. They found out that he did not have RSV but instead, he has PNEUMONIA!! Although he didn't feel good at all, he still had BIG SMILES! He is honestly just the SWEETEST BABY EVER!! I wish I knew how to put the video of him on here while he was doing another breathing treatment and being so funny and smiling through it all but I don't know how! So here are a few pics:
 Boston in his hospital gown and although he was super sick, here he is still smiling!
 An exhausted Mikell! She hadn't slept in 3 days and now had to sleep in the hospital!
Zach is totally worn out too! He's been working 2 jobs and he had to leave one of them to sleep in this chair all night in the hospital!

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