August 2020
Our cute little RED HEAD, KENZIE, turned 2 and we are so happy about it! She had a fun-filled day at DOWNATA HOT SPRINGS and she loves being TWO!
Could she be any cuter? Oh I love this little girl!Sadie Bug, the big sister!
Kenzie loves swimming! This was a perfect way to celebrate her birthday!

The next day me and my Grandma Shirley drove to Pocatello to eat at one of their favorite restaurants to CELEBRATE KENZIE. It's like Tepanyaki but it's call Fuji's. Every time they go there they get the same guy and he is SO CUTE with the kiddo's. That was a super fun time!

Sadie has her mouth open wide to catch the broccoli!
There's the BIRTHDAY GIRL. It so great that all of Ashley and Lytton's kids love all of the food served here.
After dinner we walked outside and ate cupcakes and let Kenzie open her gifts from me, Steven and Grandma Shirley.
Steven made this FUNHOUSE for her... he is pretty creative!

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