I planned a very impromptu trip to YELLOWSTONE and I was thrilled when Ashley was totally on board with it. I found out on a Monday that they were opening the park but not allowing buses or campers yet. I jumped on that opportunity because that would eliminate a ton of people! I called Ash on Monday and we were off to YELLOWSTONE on Friday. My mom came with us and I was so happy that she did!
We loaded up Ashley's truck and away we went. We decided to drive to Idaho Falls and stay in a hotel so the kids could swim because the weather was cold and rainy. But the next day it was 73 degrees in Yellowstone and then it was supposed to rain the next day. So it turned out perfect for us.
I love YELLOWSTONE so much. It is beautiful there but it's even better when there aren't very many people there and you don't have to search for parking spots!
The kids had a ball and it was hard to leave. I just love it so much! We saw lots of BUFFALO and ELK and the kids loved the MUD POTS but all of our favorite was THE BRINK OF THE UPPER FALLS. Honestly, I could stay up there for hours. I just get so mesmerized by that powerful water!
I was so happy my Mom could get out and walk and enjoy the FRESH AIR and enjoy the GREAT OUTDOORS!
Those kids are great little travelers and they were SO GOOD!
The only disappointing thing was all of the colorful pools at West Thumb that are usually so pretty, were total mud pots! I couldn't believe it! I wanted to show the kids so bad but we found only one that was colorful.
The other favorite place of mine is GRAND PRISMATIC SPRINGS. I love the river, the bridge and it's kind of fun to walk through that hot muggy mist coming off the pots and then to see the beautiful, and colorful pots. I just love it! I was so happy that we got to see it. It was starting to get a little bit windy when we went there but so worth it. I loved it!
When we were done with YELLOWSTONE we went back to the hotel in Idaho Falls to get ready for BEAR WORLD the next day!
This was a very fun and successful trip. We saw everything we wanted to see and we did it in a day. I'm so glad I'm familiar with everything so I knew right where to go! This was a great trip to YELLOWSTONE even for one glorious day!
And we're off! For a fun little getaway! Sorry Paisley, I got you mid-blink!
These pics are taken through the window! Looks like they are losing their winter coats!
Look at those cute little babies!
We saw a lot of these!
Mom started out carrying a cane to help with her balance but it just got in her way so she ditched it!
I just love exploring with these cuties!
Oh, I love these guys! Oh I forgot to say, we left Kenzie home with Lytton. They had farm work to do!
Paisley had to carry a little stuffed animal everywhere she went. She's so funny!
Don't you just love this? I love WILDLIFE in NATURE!
Isn't this just breathtaking? I just love it so much!
Absolutely beautiful!
So happy to be with my Mom!
My cute girl, Paisley!
My cute dimpled boy Remi
Honestly, I can't get enough of this scenery!
I could stand and watch this forever. I am so drawn to water. It totally calms me whether the ocean, a lake or a stream. There is just something about water.
I love this crew!
He's a Momma's boy for sure!
My favorite place...Brinks of the Upper Falls 💕
Sadie Bug picked me a special flower...and she knows it's my favorite color! Love this girl!
One last pic of this beauty!
When we hiked back up the stairs we ran into this RANGER. He taught the kids a few things so they could become JR RANGERS! They thought that was super cool. They got a sticker and to be honest I can't remember what else. LOL! But that was fun for the kiddo's.
No Butts about it, we enjoyed these mud pots! ;) Ha! Ha!
Dragon's Breath. Oh this is the kids' favorite one. The smelly gurgling thing. These kids really think there is a dragon hiding in that there cave! Some thought it would be a red dragon, other's thought purple and Remi thought maybe green!
I am telling you, it felt like we had the whole park to ourselves. Look, can you see the only other person on this walkway? It was amazing!
Mesmerized by the boiling hot stinking mud pots!
My fun loving buddy!
Isn't this just beautiful? This was West Thumb and it looks into the Yellowstone Lake. I love these people!

This was the only blue spot we saw in West Thumb...darn it! This is usually the most colorful part of the park!
Oh I just adore this pic!
Paisley was just getting ready to pull a funny face in this photo!
Love this girl of mine!
Paisley was putting on a dance show for me while walking on this boardwalk. She was so funny!
More awesome moves from Paisley...isn't this just so beautiful?
I can't get enough of this beauty. We were almost done with our day and it looks like a storm was brewing but it felt so good outside and it made for beautiful pics!
She was the perfect travel buddy. She is so sweet and I love when she snuggles me. I love my girl!
Sadie Bug and her Momma...this was our last stop and the kids were getting a little bit tired. Only Sadie wanted to get out one more time! We are so glad she did because she loved it!
What would I do without my Selfie Stick?
This little one was so good on this trip! I'm so proud of her! I love me some Sadie, that's for sure!
Getting ready to walk into all the steam that leaves you feeling drenched! But it's worth it to see this beauty!
Isn't that gorgeous? I just love it! I could stare at it forever!
Right after this we got in our truck and big raindrops started falling. We got to the parking lot of Old Faithful and a downpour started so we decided to skip it. We've seen it before so we were OK with that. Besides, it's losing its umph! The geyser next to it is actually looking more powerful than it.
We drove to West Yellowstone and it looked like a ghost town! Only a few restaurants were open and we were glad cuz we had worked up an appetite.
These kids crawled under the table to get to snuggle with Grandma Suzie and Grandma Shirley!
We saw a lot of WILD ANIMALS this trip but this pic shows the most WILD ONES of all! ;)
Paisley looks like a scary bear in this one for sure!
I am so grateful I got to go on this fast trip to YELLOWSTONE. It was memorable for sure. It was just what we needed. Every single one of had the best time!
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