Steven shops for us SIBLINGS all year round at the D.I. or Walmart. We never know what to expect. We each get 10-20 GIFTS WRAPPED in Newspaper with Masking Tape. He sure gets a thrill out of giving Diane U of U gear, Debbie Halloween stuff because her birthday is on Halloween, this year he gave me a lot of new games, but the best was what he gave Dad. He gave him a singing deer. It was hilarious! Mom made a great meal and we spent several hours opening GIFTS but my favorite part was seeing Steven's SPECIAL SURPRISE! He was so funny and we all got a kick out of him.
He was a CIRCUS ELEPHANT, then he took of the mask and he kept saying he was the FAT LADY. What made it funny too was that he had the costume on backwards and the saggy boobs were on his back. LOL! So funny!!
Can you believe all of these GIFTS?
Each year we make a family "Toast"
We laughed over this rat on a pumpkin Deb got. We turned it upside down and the price tag said $84.75 for the three pieces...there are 2 other pieces that go with that thing somewhere! I don't know how someone could pay more than a buck for that thing!
Steven came out in a 2nd SURPRISE: a LION!
Steven made me this cute poster. All the snow was made out of white out!
Here's some of the great GIFTS Steven GAVE to me! I sure love this big brother of mine!
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