We went to the Lagoon Trail for our pictures again this year. I wanted a picture on the bridge. Mikell's camera has serious issues and it was frustrating for her while taking our photo's. Her lens is all messed up and so it would take fuzzy pics. We did get some pretty good ones in the mix of the blurry ones. I am so sad that her camera is broken. She does such a great job! Well, here we are! It was quite the challenge trying to get all the kiddo's to cooperate. What a challenge, I tell ya but I just have to laugh as everyone is running around trying to grab a kid and doing everything they can to get them to look at the camera and smile. Super funny memories!
We put the camera on a timer so it's hard not having someone looking through the lens making sure everyone is in place and smiling. Mikell would push the button, then run fast to get in place before the timer goes off!
Wish I was looking up where the kids were looking. This is the only one we could snap with me and the kiddo's.
You gotta look through all of these and look at Remi. He was so funny! He would just do his own thing and he was more excited about throwing the leaves! Waylon looks a little bored and Boston is just doing a great job holding on to Paisley who quickly gets tired of all this!
I love Remington! He is a huge ray of sunshine in my life!
The cute Bastian Family. Zach was behind Mikell throwing leaves and being funny so Remi would laugh. Remington loves Zach cuz he is always making him laugh!I just can't get enough of this one! His whole face lights up when he smiles. He's got a bad owie on his chin, just in time for pics!
I love Waylon and Boston. These two boys bring me so much joy!
Boston is getting so big! Stop it! This 4 year old is a foot taller than everyone in his Preschool Class. Oh I love him so much! Wish he could stay this age for way longer than a year!
The Wright's. Love this family!

I love this family! I am so happy The Bastian's came down so I could get a family photo. This cute family makes me so happy!
There were so many pics to choose from it was so hard. Thanks Kell for doing this even though your camera had its issues!
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